Landscaping a sloped hill inside the courtyard but what about outside the fence?

by Pam
(Southeast Florida, USA)

My unit is HOA wit 6' high fence restrictions. My courtyard is sloped on one side. If I add soil to keep the fence even at the top and bottom and to afford the most privacy, what do I do about the outside of the fence? The soil will erode, it's 18" at the highest point that's needed and I don't want to build a retaining wall.

I thought I might landscape the exterior of the fence but how much soil could I get away with adding without it washing away? Also, how do I build up the interior?

Your help will be greatly appreciated.

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Feb 27, 2015
building up along a fence
by: Kevin

thanks for the question Pam. (A tough one at that without any pictures.)

If you could resend the question with some pictures from both sides of the fence, it would be a great help. Do you own the land outside the fence? Without being able to see it, I can only offer limited advice.

It sounds like your focus is on soil and grass which are the most vulnerable to erosion. You can still use them as a base to build up the areas you need, because it is cheap. What you need to do is focus on finishing the area off with something more resistant to erosion. Gravel or Rock.

After you build it up with soil, use some landscaping fabric and a decorative rock to finish it off. Rock may cost you a little more up front, but will be better off for the long run.

One of the cheapest, most attractive and easiest ways to landscape a slope is a boulder rock garden.

Sorry I can't help you more with this at this time, but look forward to seeing some pictures.



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