F. Seeding Completion & Clean-up

This section on seeding completion is more than just finishing the job. It also includes some ongoing care tips for your growing lawn. A new lawn needs special attention for many weeks after germination to make it establish.


Once the lawn is established, you can train your lawn just like other plants can be trained.

Watering to a depth of about six inches will train the root system. The roots will grow deeper into the ground to access the water.

Shallow, frequent watering does the complete opposite.

This is another reason why it is so important to have good soil. Clay soil does not absorb water very well at all. If the soil is too sandy, the water will drain through very quickly.

Water in the early morning before the intense sun brings the heat. Watering in the day can be pointless if it's too hot or windy. (A large portion of the water can be lost through evaporation.)

Watering at night seems to be a controversial issue, but many people do this successfully. We cover this in our mini module on Watering.

Seeding completion just lightly touches on subjects that are covered in our Lawn Care and Maintenance modules.


New lawn care is a little different than established lawn for the first month or two. Fertilizing new grass should be delayed until the roots have established and strengthened. Fertilizer high in nitrogen can be a little hard on tender young roots. Starter fertilizers are acceptable as we pointed out earlier.


When to mow your new grass is determined by how well it is doing. If it is 3 or 4 inches high, then it is time to cut it.

When cutting newly seeded lawns try not to make sharp turns on the lawn with the mower. You can tear up the roots. Turn the mower on a driveway or other place whenever possible. This is why we try to keep dogs off a newly seeded lawn as well. There agile movements also tear the young roots.


There are different reasons and definitions used for top dressing. We cover these more in depth in our lawn care and maintenance section.

For this section, top dressing is a great way to achieve a nice flat lawn. Topdressing is just a matter of spreading a thin layer of rich loam or compost over your lawn. It will fill in small depressions to get the height of your whole lawn perfectly equal.

It is also a great way to improve, or maintain a healthy soil composition. Topdressing with rich organic soil also helps keep thatch under control.

Before you get into topdressing, let the newly seeded lawn establish a good strong root system first.

Be patient, it can sometimes take a few years to achieve the perfect lawn. If you do end up with a deeper sinkhole for whatever reason, make sure you don't put down more than an inch or two at a time.

Grass will generally grow through up to a couple of inches of soil. A good rule of thumb is no more than 2 inches at a time. I have seen grass grow through up to 6 inches of soil, but the risk of killing it increases dramatically after 2 to 4 inches.

In other words, be patient and build it up in layers.

Bare patches

It is also important to be patient while your lawn thickens up. It is not the amount of seed you put down that thickens the lawn, but the grass itself developing new shoots. Grass is a plant that starts as a single blade. The new shoots will start after a year or two, so be patient.

Bare patches are different. You may have to do some reseeding if there is no growth at all. This is pretty common especially after a rain. The seeds can be washed around into pools leaving bare patches.

Although we covered some useful tips in this section on seeding completion, we have suggested a few times that you visit our mini modules on lawn care and maintenance. Here, we also have information on aerating, and dethatching.

Clean up

If you have extra loam, keep a small pile aside for topdressing, or sinkholes that may appear from settling. Any other amounts can probably be given to a neighbor looking for a few wheelbarrow loads for his yard.

Make sure you clean up your mess. This means the street and sidewalks as well. Your neighbours will appreciate you for this.

Thanks for visiting Seeding Completion, you are now finished your project. Kick back in a nice lawn chair, and watch your grass grow. It's a feeling of pride, and very satisfying to do something yourself. You have also added value to your property.

We hope you found this information useful? If you did, please feel free to tell us about it and don't forget to send pictures of your Dream Yard.

If there is anything you feel we can improve on please let us know that as well. We can only improve with your feedback. Don't forget to pass this site on to your family, friends or neighbours.

Recommended Sites:

Complete Lawn Care advice- Lawn Care Tips, Zoysia, Fescue, Fertilization,

Biology of Grass Seed Germination - Steps of Seed Germination


American Lawns


Table of Contents: Seeding a Lawn

Introduction: Seeding a Lawn

A. Seeding Site

B. Seeding Tools

C. Selecting and Estimating Seeding Materials

D. Grading Soil for Seeding

E. Spreading Seed

F. Seeding Completion and Clean-up


The Yard: How-to Modules

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